Originally posted on: Linked In by: Tom Keene
The best time is somewhere between dessert and the calculation of the
tip. The waiter and/or waitress is measuring your ability to make their
day. Light conversation ensues. Making their day is defined as the
distance between the rent and the set of college loans due.
And the loans have destroyed all forward motion.
is not news that the college process in America is totally and in every
way broken. Made more so by the industry's (and that's Industry with a
capital I) good attempts to rationalize $50,000+ per year.
Cash accounting suggests that Team Recent-Graduate is on their 5-yard line, 3rd and 15: $453, $358, $704, Hike!
not funny. We have a generation that cannot do what we did, strapped by
loan payments that barely match the hoped-for job and most certainly
don't match the accrued reality of May 2013. It's a great country. The
student, the parents, the racket and all of us are to blame.
is striking is not the aspiring actor at $453 large, "My mother helps
with the rent." He deserves all he got after a no-math,
no-foreign-language four years of Theater Studies including Badminton
Nor should we shed a tear for the $704 Political Science
major who changed her major three times and squeezed four years into
five. She slipped through with a 2.8 and simply did not bear down. A
year in Paris studying Early Jacques Chirac? Pourquoi Pas?
The New Normal is the student who actually worked and did the right thing.
they passed on Civil Engineering, are sort-of-kind-a-like fluent in
Sanskrit and took Light Statistics 104, not Analytical Geometry 312.
There are thousands of students who are pretty good, not great, and have
no "economy" to jump into. They simply can't get started to a better,
smarter, wiser employment that will allow for the loans to be paid.
And now, there is a book to explain this madness.
William J. Bennett, with David Wilezol, has written a jewel.
Is College Worth It?
is a 226-page apolitical tour-de-force. Bennett, a liberal arts
graduate and lightening rod for some-Republican and all-Democrat hatred,
absolutuely nails the demarcations and distinctions of our
Higher-Education industry.
Memo: Harvey Mudd College takes it over Barnard College of Columbia University.
Task forces will be formed across all time zones to defend against Is College Worth It?
the philistines, Bennett defends the value of four years of partying.
He just suggests relative value has been lost. Also lost, has been a
rigor from another time.
Enough. Read Bennett on our collegiate set of broken promises. Throw Is College Worth It? at your junior in high school. Demand a cover-to-cover read or no Snapchat. There will be a pop-quiz.
don't forget, there is a good in the study of the liberal arts. You'll
just have to go up Route 116 in Massachusetts, past Mt. Holyoke to find
real value at Amherst College. Discuss.
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